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5 questions to Sophie «Ringuette» Presseault


Get to know the opticians behind your glasses. Today's optician: The veteran

Name : Sophie Presseault

Nickname : Ringuette

Years of experience : 22

Territory : St-Agathe- Mont Tremblant -Lachute – St-Jérôme

It is safe to say that since her arrival at Le Bonhomme, Sophie has come a long way. And we mean that literally. While word of mouth was doing its job on the North Shore, and more and more people wanted service points in the region, she was the one who was sent to open them. At first it was Laval, but over time, it was further and further north, up to Mont Tremblant "I actually have an appointment at the garage to change my third timing belt says Sophie with a laugh. Let's do a little math 101 here: Sophie estimates that she does 20,000 km a year and she has worked for Le Bonhomme for 8 years. It's easy to imagine her mechanic being happy to see her! Let's get to know our optician / explorer from the North Shore a little bit more:

How did you became an optician?

I didn't know what to do to be honest. I worked as a cashier in a pharmacy and one thing led to another and I met the husband of a colleague who told me about the work an optician did. I did my research, and I really liked the human side of the job. 22 years later, it's still the case!

Is there an interesting story behind your nickname ?

Kinda. Our former colleague Simon was nicknamed Ringo Rinfret, after the famous RBO character. After he recruited me, I became Ringette. At least I played when I was young, so it almost make sense!

Fill out the blank: working at Bonhomme à lunettes is _____

Easy ! Simple, pleasant and not stressful at all. We have both fun and freedom. No pressure like in some places, and the customers are super friendly. In short, there is a human side that I love.

What's your number one advice for clients ?

I would let them know we are there for them, that they are welcome, and that they should never hesitate to come back if things don't go well. Seeing well is just too important!

As a "veteran" of Le Bonhomme, do you ever stop and look at how far you've come?

From time to time. When I arrived, we had no service points on the North Shore. Now we have about ten with a few more planned. Personally, I also think about the satisfaction I get from my job. I really like the human side, especially compared to the sales pressure that people have in other retail fields!



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