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Le Bonhomme à lunettes saves you money on glasses in Sorel

Sorel Bonhomme à lunettes

Le Bonhomme à lunettes created a business model that has shaken up the Québec optical industry: the community eyewear store. Basically, the aim is to put accessibility at the heart of the optician's concerns. How does it work? And why have people from Sorel been coming to us since 2016? Let's see...

Collaborating with community organizations

Le Bonhomme à lunettes has been working with community organizations for over 15 years to ensure that its services are available to everyone, without exception. In Sorel, we are fortunate to be able to count on a first-rate partner: Centre d’action bénévole du Bas-Richelieu. For over 50 years, CABBR has been involved in promoting and developing volunteer action in the region. They offer a wide range of services, including food support and home care. They welcome us every Wednesday morning so we can offer our glasses at low prices. By saving on rent, we can pass the savings on to our customers. That's part of the reason why our glasses are affordable. What's more, we serve as a financing tool for CABBR, as well as dozens of other community organizations in Québec.

Reducing operating costs

In addition to our partnership with community organizations, people of Sorel can get glasses for less because of our minimalist business model: no big brands, no TV ads and, above all, no expensive operating costs. In short, we aim for simplicity so we can offer very reasonable prices, without sacrificing service or product quality. It's our extensive experience in the optical market that enables us to offer the best value for the money, and that's how we've managed to set ourselves apart in the eyewear business for over 15 years. Our model is so innovative that many opticians have been inspired by it over the years. But there's only one original that helped hundreds of thousands of people saving money while giving back more than a million dollar to community organizations, and it's Bonhomme à lunettes.

To save on glasses in Sorel and surrounding areas

Want to buy glasses without blowing a hole in your budget? Good news, there's an optician in Sorel-Tracy every week dedicated to saving you money. Stop by our service point on Wednesday mornings on Elizabeth street, close to the 132 and la Traverse Sorel. Just bring your prescription and we'll take care of the rest!

Please note that we also have more than 65 service points in southern Quebec, including Centre d'action bénévole in Drummond as well as service points in Berthierville and Saint-Hyacinthe. See you there!


Back to regular schedule on August 12. Details here