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Blue light: why we advise you to keep your money

blue light filters

Quand des clients viennent rencontrer nos opticiens et se renseignent au sujet de nos options pour la lumière bleue, ils sont souvent surpris par notre réponse: vous pourriez garder votre argent. En effet, au Bonhomme à lunettes nous avons décidé de vous partager notre point de vue sur les verres filtrant la lumière bleue en toute transparence.

What is blue light exactly?

Basically, blue light is a kind of light that the many screens in our lives emit. By the way, it's also the same kind of light you would see outside on a sunny day. According to certain studies, exposure to blue light can cause insomnia, headaches. It has also been linked to increased anxiety, depression, ADHD symptoms, and obesity. Yet, the blue light emitted by the sun, which is the most powerful emitter of blue light, seems to help solve a lot of these problems. Weird, isn't it?

Why don't you recommend the protection options?

Simply because there's a free, healthier solution: reducing screen time and spending more time outside.

Problems linked to blue light therefore stem primarily from time spent in front of screens. As we know, reducing our screen time is not easy. We work in front of computers, we play on our personal computer, on our mobile phones, our tablets, our video game consoles, etc. Managing all this isn’t easy, for us or our children. We'd like to take a moment to salute all the parents out there for whom managing screen time is tantamount to waging war.

But setting reasonable limits can only do some good. Sure, systems like Android or IOS offer options to reduce the blue light emitted by the screen. That’s great, if it helps you, but the scientific community has not reached a consensus yet about the effects. There is this thing called the placebo effect.

The real solution is super simple, and you’ve heard it before: spent time outside! It’s great for your overall health, but it’s also great for your eyes. It is also a great opportunity to leave your mobile phone in your pocket or, even better, at home.

Wouldn't blue-light glasses help too?

Once again, the scientific literature is far from unanimous. As far as we're concerned, it's mainly a "marketing" solution that increases the average price of glasses without delivering the expected results. And we're not the only ones to see it that way. Le Pharmachien looked into this in an episode that aired in December 2021. It is available on, but a subscription is needed. It's unfortunate, because it showed how complicated this problem is and that you can't simply solve it with your bank card. Moreover, even le Scientifique en chef du Québec is not crazy about filtering glasses. So why spend more on something that's far from being proven without a shadow of a doubt?

But What If I Want a Blue Light Filter Anyway?

If despite all this you absolutely we certainly won’t prevent you from getting it. The decision is yours. And since we do business with the same lens labs as the big-name stores, we’ll get you similar options at the best price. As usual

Our advice, however, is this: save your money for something else and rethink your screen habits!